Stress and Anxiety
Stress Causes
Stress can be caused from all different circumstances in life and it can affect all different aspects of a person's health. Stress is a normal part living. Everyone experiences a certain level of stress, and a certain level is essential to good health. When levels become too great, however, that overload can have a negative effect on a person's health. It's important to learn effective stress management skills to keep stress at a healthy level.
Anxiety Possible Causes
We all encounter feelings of nervousness, anxiousness, and even fear. These feelings are what we sometimes term anxiety. Anxiety is natural when we are presented with situations of high stress or potential threat. However, some may may encounter these feelings more frequently to the point that they effect or limit normal functioning. This can be caused by underlying stressors on the body. There are healthy ways for relieving stress and managing nervous symptoms. Causes may also stem from more underlying factors that would need to be identified by a healthcare professional.

Our Treatment Options
Stress and anxiety are different, but they are interrelated. In helping patients to better manage stress and anxiety in their life we work to help them identify causes and contributors. We teach and practice a number of natural therapies with our patients to help them manage stress and anxiety.
One technique we teach our patients is to have a 'check in' with themselves to help them build greater self-awareness. This is a technique you can use to observe how you are feeling. The featured video can walk you through how to do this. This is something we encourage patients to practice often.
We also practice the Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) with our patients. This technique is a practical way for letting go of negative emotions in the body. EFT is a fast and effective technology to help patients move past emotional barriers. We have used this technique in clinic for many years to help people move through hard stressvsituations. It's also effective for phobias like being afraid of spiders. We can show you in the office how to it do for yourself. Many times it is helpful to have an experienced practitioner to help with any of the deeper emotions that need to be supported. EFT is best utilized on a daily basis for simple stress reduction. is a great place to find additional information.
With all treatments we advise our patients on effective healthy eating and other protocols which are integral to overall healing and better emotional wellness. Additionally we may utilize remedies to treat underlying contributors to stress and anxiety.
We've constructed free online resources for naturally managing anxiety. It's designed to help you practice simple home solutions for anxiety and start on a path of greater emotional freedom. Please click links below for more information.
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