Your Natural Pain Relief Starts with
Regenerative Therapies
Surgery and medications should be used as a last resort when it comes to relieving pain.
Regenerative therapy injections are safer, less expensive, and completely natural. They pose far less risk than surgery, prescription drugs, and even steroid injection which can degrade joints.
Wait... What Are Regenerative Therapies?
Platelet Rich Plasma Prolotherapy is a Regenerative Therapy.
PRP (Platelet Rich Plasma) Prolotherapy is a regenerative injection therapy for healing pain that we provide at Equilibrium Natural Health. This simple procedure starts with a quick blood draw from which the healing parts of your blood, the platelets, are extracted. Then they are mixed with a solution of dextrose; together promoting inflammation for quick repair. Lidocain is also added to the solution which serves to numb the area. The solution is placed at the beginning and ending of the tendons and ligaments that have become stretched or injured which is the source of the pain. The injection promotes the growth of newer and stronger tissues. It does so by initiating heightened blood flow, pulling nutrition and repearative cells to the the site of pain to rebuild and tighten the tissues. As the tissues tighten and become more stable the pain is alleviated and the stability is restored to the area.
PRP Prolotherapy is a great compliment to, and is often used in conjunction with, other pain relief methods such as, chiropractic care, physical therapy, or even occasional necessary surgery.
Stem Cell Regenerative Therapy
Stem cell therapy allows the body to restore and grow tissue at an accelerated rate using growth factors and other substances. Stem cells have been found to rapidly help repair and restore normal joint function after the join has been injured or degenerated. It is more expensive than PRP Prolotherapy and we generally recommend it for older individuals who choose not to use PRP.
Where Do the Cells Come From?
Stem cells, or amniotic mesenchymal stromal cells (hAMSCs), come from tissues which have recently aided the growth of a fetus in utero. The cells can be isolated from the amnion sac (the sac in which the fetus was growing in) and cultured in a solution. Post-natal cells, such as these, are easily cultured and expanded without ethical concerns and with high differentiation potential. They are also cultured without risk of teratoma formation (Cancer). These phenomenal cells are often used in orthopedic therapies to regenerate cartilage and cartilage connective tissue, as well as bone and tendon tissue, but can be used for a variety of issues.
The new research coming out regarding the utilization of stem cells is amazing. There are many additional resources available, should you choose to understand the science in more detail and learn what other uses stem cell therapies support. You can also contact our office for further answers.
How Soon Will I Feel Results with Regenerative Therapies?
Therapy usually takes about 6 weeks with monthly treatments. Sometimes clinically, however, we see patients get better sooner than that by following a customized diet and lifestyle program which we offer in conjunction with prolotherapy. The first three to four days following treatment, patients may experience soreness and/or aching since treatment induces a mild inflammation at first. The best way to manage this is to keep moving and functioning. Patients will be able to maintain normal daily function following treatments, however we suggest not participating in sport and exercise for at least a week and then slowly return to these more rigorous activities with special attention to pain levels. Your treatment schedule will customized to you in the office.
So What Can Regenerative Therapies Treat?
Here's just a few:
- ​- Acute joint injuries
- - Chronic joint pain
- - Whiplash pain
- - Chronic headaches
- - Arthritis
- - Torn meniscus
- - Sciatica
- - Herniated discs (not severe)
- Sprained ankles
- Low back pain
- Rotator cuff injuries/ tears
- Labral tears (shoulder/hip)
- - Sacroiliac joint pain (acute or chronic)
- - Degenerative joint and disc disease
- - Tennis/ golfer’s elbow and unstable joints
- Ligamentous laxity
- and others
What Conditions Don't Respond Well?
- - Fibromyalgia
- - Chronic myofascial pain syndromes
- - Severely herniated discs
- - Central spinal stenosis
- - COMPLETE rotator cuff tears
- Frank surgical conditions
- Pain from cancer
- Pain from auto immune conditions
How Can I Get My Best Results?
Patients should be aware the most full and complete healing with regenerative therapies will come as they maintain basic habits of health in their daily life before and after therapy. Things such as:
- - Staying hydrated
- - Eating a healthy diet
- - Regular exercise
- a. Two weeks following treatment, patients should avoid sports or vigorous exercise. Daily walks, stretching and basic movement are recommended.
- - Adequate sleep each night
PRP Prolotherapy is a great compliment to, and is often used in conjunction with, other pain relief methods from other practitioners such as, chiropractic care, physical therapy --of which we have phenomenal community health partners to refer you-- or even a necessary surgery.
Achieve Your Best Results and Relieve Your Pain Without Surgery
For additional information on PRP and Prolotherapy and visit the following articles from,, as well as the Regenerative Medicine Association.