Emotional Wellness Therapies

The Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT)

The Emotional Freedom Technique is a fast and effective technology to help you relieve stress and other emotions. Because it involves the body’s meridian system, it’s simple and there are no drugs involved. This way when you are in a stressful situation, instead of making a fist and putting your energy into an option that may be less helpful, you can do some tapping on your hands and face that will help you release that energy in a healthy way. We practice this technique in our clinic with our patients. Many times it is helpful to have an experienced practitioner to help with any of the deeper emotions that need to be supported. EFT is best utilized on a daily basis for simple stress reduction. Learn more at emofree.com.

The Neuro-Emotional Technique (NET)

The Neuro-Emotional Technique (NET) procedure allows the body to move past and relieve the effects of stress which often act as barriers to healing and wellness. It can be used for both physical pain and/ or emotional unease. This procedure itself doesn't cure the condition, rather, it helps remove the blocks in the body that limit the body's innate ability to heal the condition. We frequently use this technique with our patients to better equip them to handle stress and enable them to achieve wellness amidst the stress of life.

Meditation Techniques

We help patients practice checking in with themselves through simple meditation techniques. Checking in with yourself periodically through these methods builds your self-awareness. Self-awareness is an important skill to build on the road of healing. It allows a person to make changes in their health practices and lifestyle that they need to have better health. It also helps a person to honor the way they feel. Watch the featured video, "Checking in through simple meditation", to learn more about how we so this. 

How We Use Emotional Therapies

We practice these various techniques with our patients, depending on their needs, in order to help them overcome emotional barriers in their life. From evaluating the three aspects of health in our person's life, physical, biochemical, and mental/emotional, we practice these techniques to strengthen and support patients in on the mental/emotional side which often has positive effects on their other aspects of health. 

Schedule to Meet With Us

We'll partner with you to create a plan to get you back to health! We'll help identify some of the contributors to your stress and anxiety and offer effective natural treatment options for you. 

If you're not sure how these therapies may help you, you may schedule a free 30-minute discovery session with Dr. Fisher to explore available treatments and how they can help. We also have a free online guide for anxiety management available. In this guide you'll learn about simple stress and anxiety techniques that can be used at home. 

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Equilibrium Natural Health

9481 Bayshore Dr. NW, Ste. 103A, Silverdale, WA, 98383, United States


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