Stress processingand reset

 All 3 weeks of the course

Free yourself from stress of the world. 3 week course with education and processing time


(Normally valued at $954!)


Facing Stress of All Sorts

The Coronavirus 

Riots and looting

Race discrimination

Social isolation

Social distancing

Worst financial crisis in our lifetime

Reset Your Body with Our Stress Processing and Body Reset Course

Join us in a guided 3 week program to 'refresh'  your health. This course is designed to walk you through the process of removing unhealthy thoughts and taking meaningful action in their place.

What you can expect...

Revitalize Your Energy Levels
Improve Your
Strengthen Your Immune System
Enjoy Better
Reduce Stress and Anxiety
Normalize Diet & Digestion

Prepared with:

  • Step-by-step instructions with homework Assignments for additional processing
  • Learning several stress processing skills
  • THREE live teaching and training webinars
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Dr. Cy Fisher, ND, of Equilibrium Natural Health

Dr. Fisher of Equilibrium Natural Health works constantly with emotional health and is eager to discuss wholesome ways to stay safe and stay healthy during this time. A naturopathic doctor with years of experience in emotional, digestive and autoimmune natural health. He currently practices in Silverdale , WA. He received his doctorate degree from the National College of Natural Medicine, the oldest nationally recognized and accredited naturopathic medical school in the United States.

Copyright 2023 - Equilibrium Natural Health - All Rights Reserved

Copyright 2023 - Equilibrium Natural Health - All Rights Reserved
